Monthly Archives: March 2011

March 9, 1902

A quiet day. Abbie at home today, {Brother} Ernest and family were over today, also Fanny and Henry {Stephenson} and his parents. The weather has been fair for some time and the roads are good for this time of year. … Continue reading

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March 6, 1902

A high wind this morning prevented us from hauling the remainder of the hay from Cousinses and we began the building of Harve’s barn. A S. East wind has been moaning all day and the air feels very like a … Continue reading

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March 5, 1902

This day has been devoted to the telephone line. We put in 13 poles on the north side of the place and on the east side. I heard a robin and a flock of brants today.

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March 4, 1902

Has been a good day for any purpose. The ground is not all thawed out yet, but work on the telephone line is progressing well or rapidly. Will go at our stint in the morning. I have spent the day … Continue reading

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March 3, 1902

Has been a very raw and withal a rather disagreeable day: and tonight it is snowing from the east. We held a school meeting at the schoolhouse this afternoon and elected H. Stephenson as Subdirector for the next year. I … Continue reading

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