Monthly Archives: April 2011

April 30, 1902

A good day but a strong wind has blown all day from the South East. Harve has been laid up all day yesterday and today with a lame back. Our phone was put in this afternoon. The old folk went … Continue reading

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April 28, 1902

A model spring day and the grass is growing splendidly. I am starting the plough on the piece which I broke last spring. The first lamb came this morning. Harve sowed the west slope of the hill field today.

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April 26, 1902

Today was held the Rep’s caucus, a rather tame affair, and little interest evinced. The delegates named from Cedar (Township) are for J. P. Miller, but most of the County (Greene) seem to be of a different opinion.

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April 25, 1902

We got a fine rain last night which was much needed as the ground had become quite dry and grass was growing slow in consequence. We ran sheep into the lot this morning but they kicked out at noon. We … Continue reading

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April 21, 1902

April 21, Monday I went down to Hexie (creek) this A.M. and straightened up the fence which had been torn down last winter by wood haulers. On running a line on the south, we found that we had been pasturing … Continue reading

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April 19, 1902

A fair day, tho complaint of the coolness is almost universal. The boys are at work on the telephone line putting up the wire. I went to town today, taking back the woven fencing which I had tried to put … Continue reading

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April 18, 1902

A cool day with a high wind blowing all day from the North. I put in braces for the sheep pasture this A.M. This evening I went to Churdan having tried vainly to make a decent job of putting up … Continue reading

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April 14, 1902

Monday, April 14th. I returned from Dana today, having gone thither with Ernest last night. This was my first trip to this part of the county. Found a very pretty farming country, tho this is no rarity in Iowa. This … Continue reading

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April 12, 1902

Another cool day. I worked on the sheep pasture this A.M. and went to Churdan in the afternoon. Took two hogs to town which weighed 550 @ $6.50 per cwt. (550 lbs X 6.5¢/lb = $35.75) Sold two loads of … Continue reading

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April 10, 1902

I took the plows and buggy wheels to Scranton this afternoon, paid J.B. Williamson four $. J.P. Miller called at noon.

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