Monthly Archives: November 2011

November 28, 1902

A dark day. The sky has been overcast nearly all day and now at ten o’clock it has been sifting soft snow which melts nearly as fast as it falls. Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day. I worked on the grade in … Continue reading

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November 26, 1902

Last night brot the first real taste of winter. A little snow and a big freeze so of course the ground plowed quite hard today. I made very good headway on the grade today: expect to finish the East end … Continue reading

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November 24, 1902

Have put in a full week on the grade to approach of Cedar bridge tonight. Have been able to get out at the bridge nearly all afternoon. Now have a fifteen foot grade on the East end. (East end of … Continue reading

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November 18, 1902

A fine day, a strong south west wind has blown all day. Tonight the sky is overcast and I fear for the weather. Harve went to Dakota today. I began work on the fill at Cedar Creek bridge.

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November 17, 1902

This morning was the most marked by frost of any of the season as it hung from every light substance until noon. This forenoon I count nearly lost to me, as I waited at the bridge to see Toyne until … Continue reading

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November 14, 1902

A most disagreeable day as it rained all night last night and well into the forenoon today. Toyne stopped in this morning to have us bid on the filling if the bridge abutment. (The road surface needed to be brought … Continue reading

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November 13, 1902

A most disagreeable spell of weather. It rained quite hard last night, so I did not go to the field in the A.M.; picked a load in the afternoon. It is raining now at 10 o’clock. Yesterday I went to … Continue reading

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November 11, 1902

A slight rain which began last night and continued thro’ the forenoon kept me out of the cornfield, & in the afternoon I helped Harve haul hay.

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November 8, 1902

I began husking today; corn is very poor and chaffy. This evening I went to Scranton for the girls (picking up his sisters from the train), have just got back now, 12 o’clock.

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November 6, 1902

A good day. I took Abbie to the train today; she bound for Glenwood; came home and began to repair the box of the old wagon to begin cribbing corn. Pa & Frank have been shingling the hoghouse.

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