Monthly Archives: September 2011

September 8, 1902

This morning we straightened up the lambs and went to plowing brush again. We also spent Sat 6th at the brush. Sun. 7 we drove down to S.G. Gamble’s and enjoyed a good visit.

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September 5, 1902

Has been a very disagreeable day, it having rained most of the day, tho showers were light & it cleared before sunset, so we may hope for a nice day to conclude the week. Have been rooting the brush again.

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September 4, 1902

This P.M. Harve & I began plowing brush on the North side. Last night I started to call the roll of the various station(s) on the telephone line. The weather is fine and the fields are drying nicely. In the … Continue reading

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September 2, 1902

Yesterday Labor Day fair. This morning I took Ma to the train to go to Glenwood. The day has been a most lovely one; not a bad day to tramp (in the woods).

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